Midlife Mailbag


Ann Douglas and Sara Smeaton discuss topics and questions submitted by midlife women.

Midlife Mailbag is a video series created by Ann Douglas and Sara Smeaton to discuss topics and answer questions submitted by midlife women.

Ann Douglas is the author of Navigating the Messy Middle: A Fiercely Honest And Wildly Encouraging Guide For Midlife Women. She also writes the “Midlife Reimagined” blog for Psychology Today.

Sara Smeaton is a certified professional coach and facilitator who runs group programs, workshops, and delivers one-on-one coaching.


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Have a question about midlife?


Odds are if you’re wondering about it, other women are, too—and so, by asking the question, you’re helping all of us to get answers (or at least have a bunch of long overdue conversations). While we can’t promise to have all the answers (does anyone actually have all the answers), we promise to give your question the thoughtful consideration it deserves. You can submit your questions via this form.